مركز النهرين التابع لمستشارية الامن القومي / رئاسة الوزراء يستقبل منظمة الميادين الخضراء لتوعية ومساعدة الناجين من مخلفات الحروب

Al-Nahrain Center of the National Security Advisory / Prime Minister receives the AMAK Organization

Al-Nahrain Center of the National Security Advisory / Prime Minister receives the AMAK Organization Dr. Muhammad Al-Ugaili, Assistant Director General of Al-Nahrain Center for Strategic Studies, received a delegation from the AMAK Organization , headed by Mr. Ali Zahim, Director of the organization, and Mr. Muhammad Abd, the organization’s projects officer. Both sides discussed; The dangers of mines and war remnants, supporting mine victims, raising awareness, and enhancing safety, in order to contribute to building a better and safer future for mine victims and local ....

مشاركة منظمة الميادين الخضراء بالمعرض الخاص بالاحتفالية الذي اقامته وزارة البيئة دائرة شؤون الألغام

AMAK Gallery in 4/4/2024 awareness day

مشاركة منظمة الميادين الخضراء بالمعرض الخاص بالاحتفالية الذي اقامته وزارة البيئة دائرة شؤون الألغام اليوم الخميس باليوم الدولي بمخاطر الألغام والمخلفات الحربية٤/٤/٢٠٢٤ وبالتعاون مع دائرة الامم اامتحدة للاعمال المتعلقة بالالغام…

مشاركة منظمة الميادين AMAK في معرض الابتكار

AMAK in Geneva center 14-16 2023

14-16 Nov2023 GICHD ‎‏ At a direct invitation from Geneva for the purpose of explaining the idea of ​​our organization’s AMAK project on implementing the Watchful Eye (WE) application in Iraq, participating in the International Innovation Exhibition in Geneva

دائرة شؤون الالغام … أجتماع مع المنظمات العاملة في مجال التوعية 2023/6/5

‏DMA... meeting with organizations working in the field of EORE... 2023June 5

DMA... meeting with organizations working in the field of EORE... ‏2023June 5 ‏ On Monday, the Directorate for Mine Action organized a technical meeting, at its headquarters, with organizations working in the field of EORE.AMAK organization participated in the meeting ‏From his part, the official spokesperson of DMA stated that the meeting, which was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Education, UNMAS and organizations working in the field of EORE, included ...